Not only my second post in a week or so, a rare non model related posting, once the weather is warmer I will be walking and shooting urban landscapes around my locale. Last August I went to a Prescott Hills Climbing event for the first time. Although not a driver I have an interest in some motor sports and love looking at vintage motors, Sports photography is not my for forte and I have never been good at it, the good thing about the day was although the weather and light was variable, the venue allowed for many vantage points and me to take some landscapes as well.
I have been aware of Beth Kate for some time as she lives not too far from Birmingham and she had a look that suited a style of shoot I have been planning to shoot for some time. Contact was made a shoot was organised and planned quickly. The shoot was in two sections natural light and a studio set. The day of the shoot we had a sunny day which made the light levels and camera settings not too difficult to manage. The images shown here are from those sets as I had a few problems with the studio images technically which will need further work.
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